Dienstag, Februar 27, 2007

Honest boy

February 27/07 4:33 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

Overheard a lady scolding her little boy for calling a woman "alte Hexe" (old bitch comes close). You can not call a lady "alte Hexe" she said, and the honest anwer: why not? - By then eavesdropping Landfrau started to giggle and was promptly told by the aggravated mother to stop laughing. Well, asked her,if she would call me "alte Hexe" otherwise, which in turn made her start to laugh. Authority gone by then. Such is life.-

We are busy, arranging our various,little vaccations. You have to be an eager beaver about that, otherwise...zilch, or as we Germans say " Du guckst in die Röhre". -Right now weather pixies predictions are no asset!

Samstag, Februar 24, 2007

Weekend,on the go

February 24/07 3:03 p.m.

Looking out of the window at :
white clouds,blue sky, our capped pine tree,bare neighbourhood trees and a fat pigeon.Saw the first "crocusse" today,taking my daily walks with Herr dog. -

Read in the blog diary of Nikolaus Piper,correspondent for "Süddeutsche Zeitung"in New York about a guide, called WICKED GERMAN FOR THE TRAVELLER. So, take notice, my English speaking friends:
Penalties for insulting other drivers,calling them: Damischer Bulle $ 2760
Knolle $ 425
Rchtfrtzlkraut, whatever this? is $ 100
For 99 cent you can say WICHTIGTUER twice.

And,as a weekend treat, some music samples from Sophie Auster , listen in, I think we will hear more of her in the near future!

Freitag, Februar 23, 2007

Sliding Neighbour

February 23/07 650 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

Had been thinking only yesterday that nothing much is happening around here right now,well... this morning had been awakened by a phone call from our neighbours warning us, that it might get a little noisy. Turned out, their cat had gotten onto the roof and he (our neighbour) wanted to pick it up. But his wife also told me that she - in vain - tried to convince her husband not to climb onto the roof, too dangerous, but he would not listen. So she begged me to give it a try too. Since we have a big window out of our attic room, I could watch him climbing up onto the landing above the balcony,which is flat and actually the roof of the bedrooms up front. But kitty was sitting on the highest point on the sliding roof. Told our neighbour he should wait,since incidently the chimney sweeper had anounced himself to come in about 1/2 hour.But - he had deaf ears. So ,fascinated, I watched him lean the ladder onto the roof and start to climb up. He reached the cat allright, but when he picked it up, it started to wiggle, which in turn started to upset the ladder, which had no real support on the flat landing. And so both, cat and neighbour,started to slide down the roof on his belly, and boy, were they picking up speed! The last few meters he started rolling, still holding on to the cat and fortunately stopped inches before the final chute of about 5 meters.

And the only witness, Landfrau, almost died of a heart attack!
Later on neighbour phoned and said that his act would have made a nice movie. Chimney sweeper said the final fall might have made him a goner.

No more excitement today!

Montag, Februar 19, 2007

One more Goodie...

February 19/06 1:50 p.m.

...and then its finito with mardi gras - reports. Could not resist this duck! (Not a relative!)

Sonntag, Februar 18, 2007

And some more pictures

February 18/07 3:52 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein
.....and..some are family!

The Big Parade!

February 18/07

Too bad, think the event is on the verge of getting out of hand,too many people, "giving" the drinks away is attracting the masses. Landfrau took flight, after strangers started to take over the bar,and cleaning the cups they might as well do by themselves then too. I hope that with those crowds milling around,no one walkes away with the "piggy bank". Well, not my concern.

Anyway, the pics give a picture!

Mittwoch, Februar 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

February 14/07 4:45 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

To whom does this concern??

Don't complain, this is not nice
in the bathtub of my life
you will remain as hero of retiring
always my favourd duckling!

and,for all you Germans. the translation:

Jammer nicht,es ist vergebens,
in der Wanne meines Lebens
bleibst Du auch als Held der Rente

immer meine liebste Ente!

Montag, Februar 12, 2007

Look, our Midget!

February 12/07 The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

Now, is'nt it cute? And what a relief, it will not outgrow us during our lifetime and no hurricane will take hold of it. Have considered today to give it some company later on in spring.But right now looking forward to the world's smallest and most famous mardi -gras parade in Schweinheim and you will meet Landfrau there as the most famous bar -tendress, come have a look, I am my best own customer, provided the weather is cold enough that I want to dig into hot spiced wine. -
Was a hard day today,not only housecleaning,the monday score,but cooking lunch for our "boss" (grandson),whom granddad picked up at school, since mummy still had been on the road back home from a skiing holiday,where she had her skies pinched. Alas,shit happens. And then my help was needed in mathematics,boy, I am out of practice! get the result of 13,by using only the number 4 for calculation ,you are allowed ( ) calculation,like (4+4+4-4) etc. ,so lets see if you are smart, good luck!

Dienstag, Februar 06, 2007

Carpe Diem

February 06/07 The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

Landfrau must use the nice weather, worked my little (gloved) fingers off, to get the front garden spick and span. We BOUGHT a new tree,a change to taking them down and having them blown away.Well ,actually it's a kind of a shrub, pine, very attractive, and the gardener will plant it ,hopefully, Saturday. Till then it sits in the nursery with our name tag! -
Yes, our garden really looked a mess,after the storm and the tree actions, would have been shamefaced to let a strange gardener in. He might have decided we are not worth such a nice new tree-shrub. Of course it will have to pose for me and my camera!
And it is not for friend dog to pee on!!

Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007

It works.....

February 04/07 1:58 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

..and even tells the truth, the weather pixie. Amazing,those little gadgets. Dog and me had enjoyed a long walk along the riverside, passed by the riding stables on our way back, this nice smell of horses, hmmm,I'm still addicted to . It is enjoyable to chat with former riding friends and to "meet" my horse's former friends. But,such is life,past times are past times and lost friends are lost friends. Always looking ahead, right now to cooking a leg of turkey with vegetables(mangold) and boiled potatoes,yummy!-

8:11 p.m. - food has been verry good!! Full tummy! -
And there has been a terrific sunset tonite, next time I shall try to think about taking the camera.
And Germany beat Poland in the Handball-worldchampionships 29:24, had been out with the dog and met not a soul, a whole nation glued to the televison - We are definetely adorable,us Germans,eh?

Samstag, Februar 03, 2007

To keep you up to date!

The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

February 03/07 - so you can check our lousy, or nice, weather!

Still no winter arround here.Now I do not want it anymore.