Sonntag, November 30, 2008

Yesterday's Efforts

November 30/08 ...12:25 p.m.

Some of the decorated corners by diligent Landfrau , venturing out now into real world, ready for Herrn Hund's adventures.

Forget about Rudolf

November 30/08

Here -also this year for this first day of Advent the favourite of my favourites:

E N J O Y!!!

YouTube - The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl - Fairytale of New York

Samstag, November 29, 2008

Change - The Landfrau Way

November 29/08 ...... 7:55 p.m.

You never heard of? - Here you are: today Landfrau had been very busy, decorating the house for X-mas time, pumpkins out - santas marching in and angels drifting in (you see - change), which would not be too bad if there had not been running from the basement to the atticroom involved ,and that about 10 times. You can not imagine how things can dissolve into thin air within a year, still missing a very fat golden angel, think I have seen the guy around in summer, but now...dissapeared. Probably does not want to sit around looking happy. -Also put up the outside lights on the spiky Ilex. Prickly job! -
Earlier we bought our X-mas tree, it's going to be delivered end of next week, still plenty of time, since in Germany you do not have the decorated tree sitting in the house already weeks before X-mas. Then I had to fix dinner and Herr Hund kept nudging me for his evening walk in the dark. We went up on the levee, which at nite is nice, hardly any bikers who give you the evil eye when you let your dog run free. And it's great to watch the incoming airtraffic,the airport beeing right across the river. You can make out the pattern of their drifting in one after the other,
it's like a line up. And they have their headlights on,great. Well, otherwise you could not see them of course.
Aside from that Landfrau thinks she starts to hate X-mas.

Freitag, November 28, 2008

The ultimative X-mas Doll

November 28/08....8:20 a-m-

Now, no worries, dear friends, there will not be an ultimative X-mas story from now on every day till X-mas. But Landfrau thinks this one is a bummer, should be shared. The other day I had the unpleasant task of cleaning the storage room in the basement, what a drag! -anyway, ran across a case of forgotten,rather beat up toys from the girls toddler time. Oldest daughter had a favourite doll, she called Marjolejn (named after a dutch friend long lost) . Now there she was, poor Marjolejn, all beat up, dirty, limp body,sticky hair, she had lost quite some weight on account of gone stuffings. Landfrau thought it a brilliant idea fixing up the doll for the next generation to be put under the tree,charming idea,eh? - Was not so easy, with thread and needle I am not exactly an artist. The result in the end had been quite presentable nevertheless and proud Landfrau went out with little M. to buy her a suitable outfit. She looks real cute now.

Now, during the nite, in bed dozing and contemplating I suddenly had a kind of a hunch that the doll might not be the genuine Marjolejn. Dug out the old photo album right awy,could not wait till morning, and bingo, Marjolejn on photo did not match fixed up Marjolejn.

Gee whizz, an imposter will be sitting under the X -mas tree, I'm afraid.

Donnerstag, November 27, 2008

The ultimative X-mas Dog

November 27/08 8:04 a.m.

Really had a good laugh yesterday. Each X-mas Herr Hund also gets his present from Santa. It's a plate with an assortment of dogs treats, which he is allowed to gobble up at his own time and delight. Of course Santa puts that plate under the tree and when we start our annual X-mas ritual, Herr Hund is the first one to rush into the room for his "present".
So ,stowing away my shoppings I had set a bag with the dog goodie packages at the basement staircase. When Herr Hund started sniffing at the bag, Landfrau told him to stay away,these were the goodies for his X-mas plate. I then asked him where his plate would be and he rushed into the living room right to the spot where we always put up our tree. Also, for a couple of years now, we have a hard time convincing him that it is not X-mas eve yet when we put up the tree and he sporadically goes and checks for his plate. -
This dog really is looking forward to X-mas - for him the spirit is right.

Mittwoch, November 26, 2008

That nasty Scale

November 26/08 10:01 a.m.

For two days it had been friendly, this morning, darn, had to spoil my breakfast. But you wait and see, NASTY SCALE! bought a CD _Christmas Rock & Pop, and now I will get going, especially to my favourites - driving home for X-mas and - the little drummer boy -
And, dear friends and fans, you have seen me dancing in the previous post, am I not great? - Now it's bike time with Herr Hund against the wind, and Herr Hund is suffering from the green apple quickstep, not so nice.

Dienstag, November 25, 2008

It's Time again.....

November 25/08 ...5:43 p.m.

....that we dance the X-mas time dance, folks, so here we are:
And if you want to see us move, just
touch the LINK
and remember, X-mas is only 29 days away!

Sonntag, November 23, 2008

Snow,Snow falling on Garden

November 23/08 11:23 p.m.

Looks real nice, but is not nice to be in and to drive in.
I's nice to be inside and to look out.

Weekend Song

November 23/08 8:38 a.m.


The Old man in Black, always worthwile listening too!

Freitag, November 21, 2008

For crying out loud!

November 21/08 12:32 p.m.

Just came in from my (today really) duty walk with Herr Hund, felt like the "Flying Robert" and had been hailed and rained upon to boot. Only Herr Hund seemed to enjoy it, must be nuts, that dog. Towelled him down and now he is smelling up the living room, nice... -
And all my efforts from 2 days ago to make my garden winter shipshape, down the drain, pond , terrace and garden full of debris from cypress tree. real great, looking forward to some more slave hours of cleaning. Well, keeps the old bones going, so to say.

P.S. 5:42 p.m.
And old bones made an effort to clean the leaves mainly out of the fishpond, almost "fishing" precious veiltail on the way. Damn thing had to have same colour as japanese maple leaves. Walk with Herr Hund tonite had been a real wet one, slush and wind, this time even Herr Hund decided it was "Hundewetter" and started to run home without beeing ordered.

Mittwoch, November 19, 2008

Good Morning Song


November 19/08 9:31 a.m.

Slept late, Marianne Faithful got me awake. What a voice! - ENJOY!

Sonntag, November 16, 2008

A Talented Girl

November 16/08 9:01 p.m.

Just have a peek, and if you are an animal lover, more so, this young woman is really talented. Maybe a Christmas present is still something you are looking for?

Mittwoch, November 12, 2008

November 12/08 5:50 p.m.

A terrific full moon hanging over our village makes me think of Creepin’ In by Norah Jones ,always worthwile listening too, and for sure will give me "wild dreams" during the nite. Well, as long as Landfrau does not start "moonwalking" it's o.k. - in a way.
Instructions for getting to the song:
Open the hyperlink, go to
Media, touch the recordplayer and choose "Creepin' in"

Dienstag, November 11, 2008

Hey friends, what do you say?

November 11/08 8:33 a.m.

How do you like the new look of my car, keen? - And remember . mardi-gras season starts today, be alert!

Sonntag, November 09, 2008

The Feast

November 9/08 10:40 p.m. over and the goose has vanished and believe me, it had been real good. Aside from almost burning the red cabbage, everything went well. That we could not say about our guests, first we had a phonecall from daughter, if we happen to have cool packs in the house. The hockey kid got a ball smack into the face and was harbouring a black eye, very attractive. But he is a tough cookie.Then later on son-in-law got his finger in between the closing terrace door, when he came in after putting wood onto the kiva stove. He is a tough cookie too by the way, denied the cool pack. Herr Husband is permanently disabled, that left daughter and Landfrau, but the two of us decided to stay in one healthy piece for that night. For Landfrau night is not over yet, but I am full of hope. Herr Hund had his feast after the guests left, he got the tidbits from the carcass.
The parade had been nice to look at, noticed that there are more and more young families in the village, which is good. And our decorations were nice to look at too, nothing went up in flames.

Samstag, November 08, 2008

Before and After

These are the lucky ones (till X-mas)

November 8/08 8:17 p.m.

It is like with ice scating, free scating and score, cooking the goose is a task Landfrau hates, handling that big,naked ,greasy bird and cleaning all that greeasy stuff, oven etc. afterwards. But tomorrow, feasting on the bird, with dumplings, red cabbage, glazed chestnuts, apple sauce and lots of yummy gravy is another piece of pie I'm telling you. And the chores left for tomorrow are the ones I like, decorating outside with lanterns, setting an attractive table for the family - and tasting the wine! that's nice for sure. Hope the weather holds for the parade, which will pass by our house after dark. All those lanterns carried by toddlers and bigger kids and St. Martin riding in front on a white horse. My younger daughter claims, that for her St. Martin always had been the beginning of the -Xmas time, when she was small. And for Landfrau it is still the beginning of X-mas stress looming ahead, every year again X-mas comes too soon.

Freitag, November 07, 2008

Poor Goose

November 7/08 2:31 p.m.

Still running around, thinking it can live happily ever after. Tough luck, will be it's last day tomorrow. I see those geese milling around almost the whole year, they arrive as small yellow fluffy gooslings at the place of our aspargus/strawberry farmer in springtime. From then on they have a very happy life outside on the meadows. When I drive by with the car or the bike, I am glad that the one I am going to pick up tomorrow does not run around with a sign with our name on it. Then I would not be able to eat it, that's for sure. But so it is going to be our feast" in honour of St. Martin" on sunday and we will be joined by daugther , son-in-law and grandson. Lots of preparing to do till then.

Mittwoch, November 05, 2008

A Breath of Relief

November 5/08 8:56 a.m. breathed worldwide, I think. Obama is the next president of the United States. It is a hard task he is up against and let us hope he will have the strenght and insight to do the right things. Reallistically he will not be able to fulfill all the hopes put into him, not right away anyway and he will not touch Europe with kid gloves, no illusions about that. Hopefully he will be able to re-unite an America, which had been torn with hate and viciousness lately. -
So let us all look forward to and stand up for OBAMA 08.

Montag, November 03, 2008

Just take a Minute

November 03/08 1:44 p.m.

In all the election huzz-buzz we keep forgetting that there is another America, a land my former horsebackriding friend from New Mexico, Sid Hausman, is very much part of.

Wolfs Robe has just started on his next project he is teaming up with Sid Hausman Cowboy singer ,entertainer ,song writer and artist. This project is titled “Two trails one Land” a recording dedicated to the Cowboy and the original people of this land ,how they worked together on a common goal “survival”. Sure they fought each other of coarse mostly in Hollywood but most people don’t know that some of the first Cowboys were Native. They inevitably needed each other and this recording will celebrate the people who really made the West. You can visit Sid’s website at:

So, just have a look and listen to:

Sonntag, November 02, 2008

Lazy Sunday

November 02/08 8.42 p.m.

And the weather has been like velvet. Had a nice bike tour this morning with Herr Hund, who keeps dripping from the mouth, old bugger, so many bitches in heat, such good smells.
In the afternoon we joined daugther No. 2 and family at a very picturesque "Landcafe" set in the middle of fields and packed with people. Fortunately daugther had been wise enough to reserve a table. Son-in-law and grandson arrived with son-in-law's showpiece, a tractor, very appropriate for a "Landcafe". On their way they chased about half a dozen horseback riders, never mind, if you can't stay on top, you should not ride in the open, that's what Landfrau always has been told during her riding career. Must admit that at that time I hated people with noisy,steaming tractors. Well, bygones are bygones. And tonite I have been the lazy bugger, just fixed a pizza toast - and you know, it had been great. Now I am into a nice glass of red wine, life can be good.

Samstag, November 01, 2008

And here again - Your Weekend Song....

November 01/08 8:24 a.m.

....which I dedicate especially to my good friends Bill and Norma in Vancouver B.C. in memory of "happy" times.
All my other friends out there in the cyber world may enjoy it too!
