Mittwoch, Dezember 31, 2008

2009 coming up !

December 31/08 4:33 p.m.
wishing all my friends, fans and readers
A Healthy,Happy 2 0 0 9 !
Die Landfrau
Link !

And it went with a Bang

December 31/08 8:02 a.m.

No, dears, not yet the old, for us somewhat hateful 2008. Landfrau is talking about, what else, the Christmastree. Had been both out of the house yesterday, Herr Husband and myself, on different errands. I came home first and there was our tree, looking as if it had turned pirouettes, little angels which sat at it's foot had been whirled around as if they had jumped off a merry- go- round, christmas ornaments on the ground and the light chains trailing up to the living room door, one of them broken. And Herr Hund creeping around with a very bad concience. As I figuered out he had been lying at his favoured spot, head on radiator,looking out into the garden, next to the tree. It is his habit to rush out to the front door barking, if he hears noices outside he does not like. So, something must have upset him and he got entangled in the lightcordes and whirled the tree around till the cord fortunately broke, when he tried to rush to the front door. - Since we were expecting visitors in I had been tickled pink that I now I would have undecorate the tree wreck before they arrived. All the decorations were thrown somewhat loveless into their boxes.
But I have forgiven Herrn Hund, he will receive the ultimative watch dog medal in the shape of a christmas tree.

Freitag, Dezember 26, 2008

Ready for next Festivities

December 26/08 3:38 p.m.

So here we are, Christmas almost over , playing around with presents, Landfrau with mobile station for i-pod, Herr Husband with solar-light for garden, moving it around into spots of sun, which seem to move faster than Herr Husband. - We had a great very lively time, with our little Miss Sunshine "bouncing off the walls" and the family brunch yesterday. But now we are the leftovers and Herr Hund can relax and unwind his jealousy. He had to spend half the time behind bars, tried to bite the toddler. - Great day today, sunshine and cold and a flat tire after half ways on my bike, so I had to push - such is life. -

And Herr Hund puked into his basket, so blankets are rotating in the washer and with this we are now looking forward to march into the New Year next week.

Mittwoch, Dezember 24, 2008

Freitag, Dezember 19, 2008

Trimming the Christmas Tree

December 19/08 7:13 p.m. something Landfrau either loves or hates, depends on the occasion. This year it has been a hate occasion, just like two years ago, when I managed to keel it over. This year it has been the battle of the lights. Having read that those light chaines with lights missing are a fire hazzard,decided to get rid of the 2nd chain, since three of the tiny lights were out. Unfortunately only made the decision after I had put it on the tree already and it had nicely intertwined with the first chain, which looks like a candle imposter. Herr Husband offered to run out to get replacement and after "felt" 10 hours (Landfrau already tapping her foot) returned with a device fit to equip a x-mas tree sitting on the open, stormblown deck of an oceangoing vessel batteling a hurricane. It had black wires the size of a baby's arm, really! Was meant for in and outside, but who needed that. So he made a second run to stores one after the other out of light chaines. Finally ended up at a garden market and phoned about the choice to make, because there they had at least four models. Told him to get excactly the same which had the lights missing and got as an answer that he would not know what it looked like. I REMAINED CALM - cross my heart and hope to die! X-mas spirit. Well, described it to him best as I could ,sat down and prayed he might come home with the right one, and, hurrah, he did. Before fitting it I tested it for burning, everything okey doke, put it on, tried the lights - zilch, put it into another socket, same. By then had decided to cancel Christmas. Then Herr Husband came and tried, it worked, seemed I had not pushed it in deep enough, could have sworn I did. My stupidity. With the result of the distribution of lights I am not sooo satisfied, but it has to stay that way. In the meantime 2 lightbulbs went blanc, used the replacements, none left, so should the next one fail, Landfrau is back at where she started from, a chain with missing lights. And merry Christmas to you too!

Sonntag, Dezember 14, 2008

A Wedding and a Party and other Catastrophies

December 14/08 8:12 a.m.

These had been very busy 3 days, with our small catastrophies on the side. We just seem to need them, life might be too boring otherwise. We had a nice, leisurely drive to Büdingen - Hessen, where we spent two nights at a hotel . Decided to drive the day ahead, so we would not be pressed for time on friday, wise decision! We arrived at the hotel (Schlosshotel Büdingen) where we were having the wedding celebration dinner in the adjoining restaurant the following evening and Herr Husband stated bluntly that he would hardly be able to walk . Something had happened in one of his rotten knee- joints (now weekend, will see doctor tomorrow). So he crept along with help of his cane and Landfrau slaved again unloading the car, bags,presents and all what we ever think is needed on an short trip. Other people take half of that for 3 weeks. - For our dinner we decided to test next nite's restaurant, they gave us a nice table in front of the little fireplace and Herr Husband ordered a whisky for an opening drink, took it and gulped it with bulging eyes. Landfrau stared at him with open mouth, like, now tell me what was that for? Turned out he suffered from terrible toothache and thought that the drink might cure it. Wrong thinking, so next morning we found a dentist in the phonebook who had been willing to give him an appointment right away. And then we were locked into the casle compound. They have a big shenanigan going on this weekend and had unloaded about a million x-mas trees, every guest will get one as a present, and, as they claimed, for security reasons the gates were locked and the castle closed for the public. Great, and us, beeing the only guests locked in. No one at the reception and the caretaker,who had been unloading the damn trees all night long nowhere to be seen. In the end found him but from then on it had been a continious hunt to get in our out of the castle, till we finally blew our top. Well, at least we made it in time for the wedding, it took place at some other castle, where the owners rent out a very plush kind of reception hall,which puts you right back into middle age. The marriage registrar had been a very apt, funny guy, who really took the stiffness out of the ceremony , he made it a remarkable event. After the little reception at the place the party then drove to the restaurant, us having the nuisance again with getting into the castle compound (and that has been when we blew our top) and we got hold of a key so we could at least get in and out of a side gate.
The following reception, dinner, speeches and drinks had been great and Landfrau knocked over her glas of red wine and christened the parents of the bride's father, sitting next to us, who then kept dubbing the spots with salt all night long and once a while I got the evil eye, embarrassing! - Later on the crowd let fly lighted paper balloons, a terrific sight in the night sky alongside the moon with the dark castle looming in the dark, Count Dracula had been missing!
Next morning along with the joung couple and little Miss Sunshine (one year old daughter), we had the lousiest breakfast EVA, and I mean EVA, so much if you have the Fürst von Ysenburg and Büdingen as your host. But we took it with humor, at least we have not been poisened.
Drive back home after breakfast had been without any other incidents, remarkable! -
Back home Landfrau started to unload the car, told my invalid to stay put inside, and what did he do, started to roll up the blinds, which he normally never ever does, and since we had those burglary devices fastened inside, forgot about them and broke the blinds in front of the garden window door. Fortunately we were able to roll it up and take the broken part out, otherwise we would have even locked out our X-mas tree, sitting in the garden,waiting to be taken in. And us sitting behind closed blinds for the holidays. Seems we are doomed to the Fort Knox syndrome.
And last not least I of course have to mention the big outside Party at daughter No.2's place, about 100 people milling around, they put up a tent, with heaters , there had been BBQ game sausages (verry lecker!) potatoe pancakes, a little helper kept baking continiously , cake, cookies, beer, spiced wine and what have you and the hostess, my daughter,suffering from a stomach flu. Asking myself how many guests might take it home as a X-mas gift, hope I am not one of them, with the little young family beeing our guests for 5 days over X-mas. We then sneaked away after a couple of hours, and chapeau to Herr Husband, inspite of all his newly developped ailments he kept himself very well.

Mittwoch, Dezember 10, 2008

Rush,Rush, Rush

December 10/08 8:14 a.m.

Every time I open my blog, this silly still of Kirsty McColl gets on my nerves. She deserves better,some other time. - X-mas panic seems to want to have me in its grip again today, tomorrow morning we will be off for the wedding celebrations in Hessen, hoping for good road conditions, otherwise it might be a long drive. Big jug of hot coffee is a must. And now it is time to roll up my sleeves, and yippee..bought a new outfit I am going to wear tomorrow- joy,joy! But Herr Hund has to board with daughter No.2 - Sad for Herr Hund, he always is sooo dissapointed when we pack bags and dont take him along. -

and for the taken out video here a very nice replacement,sorry,no facility to embed but look here:

Sonntag, Dezember 07, 2008

Funny Dreams

December 7/08 ..... 8:31a.m.

To get rid of funny dreams might be the best way to write them down.
Had been wearing ballerinas but one of them did not fit and kept slipping. Had been in a strange place, entrance to a jewish cemetery I wanted to visit, but never got around to do it, because people kept serving food and urging me to eat. Outside a car had been parked with open doors, and on and off rain kept pouring.
Contemplating about dreams brings back a childhood memory. Had been a secondgrader, I think ,anyway not very advanced yet, and we were asked to write down a story of what we had been dreaming. I had been a quite serious,honest child, so meticulously I wrote down my dream I had been having the previous night. At that time my grandmother just had died and I had a kind of scary ,confused dream about her, well, like dreams normally are (see above) .- Teacher called me up in front of the class and asked my what kind of stupidity that was and I had to redo the composition. I felt very humiliated but decided to show her. So I made up a story about me beeing a princess riding in a carriage, well, crap like that. Teacher then praised me and said that this was a nice story.-
Now I swear, this had been my first lesson in lying and how you could better get by by not telling the truth. Still hate that teacher today.

Oh, and ran across one of my posts from 2 years ago,still makes me giggle:

Samstag, Dezember 06, 2008

And again, bad NIKOLAUS

December 6/08

Very busy today in the Netherlands the guy, but around here, still reckless. - Did not want to deprive new "followers" of my blog of last and before last year's picture, too nice to get lost in the world wide web.

Have a great Nikolaus Tag!

Donnerstag, Dezember 04, 2008

Walk on the Levee

December 4/08 12:11 p.m.

...with Herr Hund this morning almost eye to eye with a buzzard. Birds of prey are so beautiful, no wonder the Arabs are keen about them - and about horses. -
Horses...out there it sometimes hits me right into the stomach and for a moment I terribly miss the times when we had been roaming this contryside, my horse,Herr Hund and Landfrau. Had been some of the nicest times of my life. But then I imagine horse galopping around in horse heaven at his delight happy as a lark.

That C.P. X-mas Panic

December 4/08.....7:58 a.m.

Yeah, thought I would go without it this year, but bingo, there it is, big and fat. And I do not know what triggered it off, might have been the counter I installed here in my blog, might have been finding out that I left out a very good friend on my X-mas card list, and now I have run out of enveloppes, might be that we have to go on a small 2 day's trip next week , which I am really looking forward to, mind you,but that does not iron out panic, nevertheless. But since Landfrau suffers from that sickness every year, I will overcome it this time too, latest at December 27th - that's a promise.