June 14/06 4:33 p.m.
....thats what we call the weather we are having right now here in Germany, hot and dry, nice, although thunderstorms are predicted for tonite. Another kind of "Hundstage" (dogdays - free translation) Landfrau had last weekend. Daughter No.2 parked her dog, mad Max, with us for the weekend. So right away our dog,Shaylor, started limping, turned out, some bug must have bitten his paw or he got something in from a plant. Anyway, had to take continious walks, since one slow and one megafast dog did not match,decided to take the bike with Max, encountered a neighbour with two hysteric dachshounds, on the leash,mind you, which intrigued Max into a kickstart towards the nuisance to show them manners, almost ended up in a tangle of one neighbour,2 dachshounds, 1 bike,Max and Landfrau. Quote daughter:I always get off the bike when we encounter other dogs. Quote Landfrau: Should have told me before. - Next mad Max decided to chase a rabbit, for a while he has not been seen anymore, came back fortunately without getting onto the mainroad. Quote daughter: You have to tell him before the walk "do not chase rabbits today"! Quote Landfrau: Should have told me before. Well, otherwise everything went o.k., actually Max is a nice doggie, a little unruly ,maybe? But it has been o.k. too, when he was picked up including his -ugh-smelly blanket Sunday nite. -
Latest soccer news, Spain beat Ukraine 4:0 - Ole'- Tonite we will be at war, Germany against Poland! And we are having a houseguest till Monday morning, the MEGASOCCER-FAN there is, our grandson (9). Landfrau hopes, that by this time she will have gone back the one dress size she has aquired after quitting smoking. There is always hope!!!
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