November 13/06
Buffalo roundup ?? - Now really, thats what kind of reminded me of, in regard to crowds,gathering to watch an event.
Airbus A 380 test landed at Düsseldorf Airport, arriving from Toulouse at 11.00 a.m. yesterday morning. 100.000 people milling around at the airport, all the roads and highways in the vicinity plugged, and thousends of smarties (like us) watching from the dike. We had privileged seats, so to say, as we live right across the airport. So we watched the landing live on the computer screen and the take off at 3:00 p.m. outside. Apparently Landfrau seems to need an addional goodie lately at events, this time the dog lost me (not me the dog!). Took him along and he did not take notice - had to sniff around - that I went right to the banks of the river,where no trees obstructed the view,anyways, he just started running like the devil, to catch up on me, no yelling or whisteling could stop him, he was gone. Did not worry too much, since he knows his way around, and I certainly did not want to miss the plane on account of dog hunting. But when I arrived at home, no dog, and no man of the house including bike. - So,just to be on the safe side, I took my bike to go (drive) looking, no dog, no man of the house. -
To make a long story short, when I arrived home after an hours search ,there they were, both of them. Turned out, the dog found his master, but was not quite able to transfer, that he had lost me. A time consuming thing, fortunately with a happy ending. - The A 380 must have been back in Toulouse at that time.
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