Dienstag, Dezember 12, 2006


December 12/06 8:20 p.m.

This really exclusive exhibition had opened in Düsseldorf- Kunstpalast Sept.09/06 and ever since we have been telling ourselves, that we have to see it ,for sure! - Dateline January 07 - so, today Landfrau said: no more excuses! And imagine: we did it, and..it really has been worth it, its breathtaking to look at those brilliant oevres, hundreds of years old, and painted by a very dubious character who on top of that died a mysterious death. -

Coming home, our new coffee/espresso machine had been delivered, and I am not so sure yet, if I am really
happy with it. Still kind of miss my good old coffee maker.

And tomorrow the fir tree will have to go, then I will put some before - after pics in my blog and you can judge for yourselves, how boring our garden looks. Really have to think of something attractive - and big enough - to plant in spring. Now we live with so much more light in our living room and you see every damn speck of dust, a housewife's nightmare!

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