January 20/07 6:58 p.m.
....if other dogowners pester me with stories about the "brightness" of their dogs. Met a lady during my walk tonite, now, since we took the same direction and, Landfrau beeing a polite person, I could not avoid listening to her endlesss recitation about her dog catching mice. Even my ironic "that it must be cat's genes" could not stop her. O.K.,did not punch her nose (would have loved to) but said that I had to turn around. So on our way back, dog and me, could enjoy the sight of a red gleaming dark sky,with the flashing lights from the airport across the river Rhein and the brightly lit starting planes. B e a u t i f u l! - River is carrying quite some water, some of the shoreline has been flooded already. But that hapens every year,so there is nothing to worry about yet.
Man of the house is sitting in starter position to pick up grandson No. 2 (the smaller one) for overnite room and board. Me, I already got orders to watch a "James Bond" movie with him later on, am I ever looking forward to that! Never mind, grandma's duties. And - as long as I am not matching the above lady, when he asks me for a bedtime - story, I shall count my blessings!
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