May 05/07 8:48 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein
.....ain't so sweet, when you start turning like a cotton pickin` hamster in a wheel as soon as you have closed the door behind you. Unpack bags first, or water the lawn? Water the flower pots, run with the dog, check the answering machine, and yes, check E-mail (ugh,spams,spams). - Well, folks, kind'o settled now,so are you ready for a bit of Luxembourg tales?
Had been staying at our Sporthotel Leweck again,lovely place!
Weather has been great and Landfrau really pulled through the whole program, swimming, massage, sauna, turkish bath,relaxing, reading, taking endless walks with Herr Hund,us two had a ball in the "wilderness" of the Ardennen forests, and getting out of breath climbing steep hills, well,me, not the dog, he is a bundle of power. Sometimes thought, we had gotten lost, but fortunately our hotel perched on one of the higher hills and could be spotted from far away,well - almost.
And at night we had those delicious 5 course dinners and a bottle of good wine. Not to forget the nightcap in the bar. Sounds good? Naturally!
Man of my life had to pull a special stunt again (always good for a holiday surprise,that sweetheart) - he slipped at the poolside and fortunately there had been a soccerteam around, needed three of them to pull him up. He hurt his already damaged shoulder again and had to be halfways dressed by Landfrau-nurse for the rest of the stay. He did not have to be fed,though.
And then one day we had lunch visitors from Luxembourg town,our very good friends,who live there and British friends,who just have moved back from France to L. We had not seen each other for about 12 years and decided,that we all had not changed a bit, if we left the spare parts under the table. We had a great time,talking about old times. Next day, our friend phoned to surprise us with the news,that he had developed shingles, it should not be contagious if you have had chicken pocks as a kid, I know I have had them, been scratching myself since nevertheless. Man of my life is sratching too, only he does not know,if he has had chicken pocks!
Life is never boring,you see. Next weekend we will be in Hamburg for harbour day, looking forward to brandnew surprises. Will keep the world posted!
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