June 2/07 6:24 p.m. The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein
It is always the same,the autonome scene is making it hard for peaceloving demonstrants to voice their demands. Considering all the aspects, the G 8 summit is as un- necessary as a hole in the head, of those there will be enough in the near future anyway till the whole thing is over and done with, without satisfying results, mark my words.-
More pleasant topics - our weather, see my pixie, has decided to be more friendly,which in turn triggers a fierce outside activity with Landfrau. And Landfrau also is proudly presenting a sporadic rush,comes like a jiffy but till now vanishes overnite. Strawberries are the culprits, I have found out. Gobble them up anyway, to hell with looking kind of "measely". Will be bad, if the rush wont vanish any more, will have to think of something then, like an astronauts' outfit. or so -
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