September 25/07 6:05 p.m.
Who does not dare, does not win - an old German proverb. Weatherforcast for today had been rather measely, but daughter no.2. and Landfrau took a chance to try out the wellness in- and outdoor area in the vicinity. We still had tickets ,which had been a birthday present for Landfrau and companion, who kept finding excuses not to go. So daughter and myself took a chance, and boy, had it been worth it! We arrived pretty early and there were very few people around. Sun had been shining from a blue sky and we just could not make up our minds which of the many facilities to use. Decided to treat ourselves to a coffee-ceremony, where you do not drink the coffee, but get a little dish with a mixture of ground coffee and what have you,to smear yourself with. Having done that, we had a real laugh, reminded us of the joke of the poor black guy,who lost his finger in a working accident. Now his boss rushed him to hospital but the only finger to be put on had been white. It all healed well and after a while the black guy was riding in a bus, holding on to a strap with his hand and there was this little old lady asking him : Well, chimney sweeper, having a lunch break? -
After the stuff had been rinsed off, we both were left with a skin like silk, smelling of..three guesses -coffee!
And then we had a very delicious lunch in a restaurant with an open fire place, very nice. You can walk about every place in your bathrobe and all the wellness facilities you run around naked. Very convinient, you do not have to wiggle in and out of a wet bathing suit all the time.
And when we left, it started to rain - sometimes one has to be lucky.
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vor 8 Jahren
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