March 20/08 3:22 p.m.
Right time to talk about boots on this ,brrr,cold day of "spring start" (says calender). Faithful readers might remember,that Landfrau cried bitter tears because Durango boots,bought in Santa Fe 8 years ago ,start to fall apart. And no chance of returning to this lovely place!- Now, have been searching the internet till my eyes popped out,no way of finding the same boots in a German store. Found them in an US - store however,and glory hallelujah, they are shipping to Europe and on top of that on account of the high exchange rate € - $ even with shipping and customs they run much cheaper than any ugly boots,which I could have found here. Moml said wait till they arrive, could not quite believe the deal. But imagine, it took them only 5 days to have them delivered here and on top of that they are my easter present. And they fit perfectly ,I'm walking on cloud seven! Landfrau is happy!
2 Kommentare:
I happy you were able to replace your boots with the same make & model. I know how it is to enjoy a product and have it become part of your routine only to have the product discontinued. I ran into same problem with my running shoes. They were really nice Nike treadmill shoes. Nike discontinued the shoes and I haven't been able to find a pair that worked as well. Also, Colgate discontinued a mouth product I enjoyed and came to rely on. They said there was lack of demand for it. And the remaining product sold out due to lack of supply.
it is always a nuisance to get accustomed to things only to find out they do not longer run them in shops. happens so often.
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