November 24/10......12:13 p.m.
....nor at any other time. Landfrau is talking about hitting a lamppost with the pedal of her bike and turning a summersault - achievement: sprained ligaments - right knee. Have been supplied with two crutches by the emergency ward located in the hospital at our nextdoor little town.
Now, thinking herself a toughie Landfrau visited a small X-mas- market nearby next day(sunday) with daughter. Everything went fine, till daugther opened car and smart Landfrau put in crutches first and then tried to get into car with healthy leg first and whoom...there I was again - flat on my back next to the car and this time it had been the ankle which sat at an obviously not right angle and startet to swell up in a jiffy. So I begged daughter to take off my boot, in case it might be stuck later on , did not want my beloved Durangos to be cut open! And then we tested the emercency ward at the Helios Clinics in Krefeld , well known from Herr Husband's visits, since they have more facilities, like CT etc. So there we sat for hours among other unfortunates and finaly X-ray showed, that nothing had been broken - fortunately.
So this had been a hell of a weekend and now I am stuck with two crutches and a gadget called Orthese. My household and everything else is going down the drain and above all things I can not drive a car. So it will get a bit thight for X-mas preparations and shopping, but the planned goose cooking on weekend I will not forgo - darn! Will try to manage whirling around with my rolling kitchen chair.
There is a first time to everything!
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vor 8 Jahren
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