May 11/06
3:54 p.m.
Folks, we are still having this MEGA , SUPER-DUPER, DREAM - WEATHER, so Landfrau decided, that we need a treat after all that garden slavery,like a nice lunch at our favoured Italian in our little village. The setting there is really in a way unique, you have three restaurants of different origin and an Italian icecream parlour, for the ones with the sweet tooth! There is a little fountain with bronze figurines, kids like to romp around there, playing in and with the water and climbing Trine, one of the figurines, who conveniently bends over (she is doing laundry,well, like in old times).All three restaurants offer good food and there is no car traffic, so it is really a place to enjoy.-
So we ordered a salad for man of my life and noodles for me, in a creamy parmesan-aspargus sauce (remember,its aspargus time around here, one of our local growths),simply deeeelicious, only, now comes the dilema, first noodle landed on my skirt,which was tiny, so I could take it off with a knife (without butter on it!), the second hit was more spectacular, a whole forkfull landed on my lap, fortunately in the meantime covered with paper napkin ( far too thin) and the galore was a "medal" on my embroidered blouse. And I topped it off putting the sleeve of my blouse into my espresso, which reminded me of a story, that this great comedian Shelley Berman www.shelleyberman.com told, about a guy really playing it up to a woman, only to be told in the end : Honey, your sleeve is in my coffee. - When we left, we had to pass the crowds sitting outside of the icecream parlor and I said to man of my life, now people will say: Look at that woman, she had noodles and coffee, poor man of hers still looks clean, maybe he only was allowed to look on. - And then I had a terrible laughing fit,which man of my life has been shaking his head about,saying, spilling food like that all over me ,would have ruined my day.-
"Ruin his day" must have been on the mind of old man horse today, definetely deciding to take the lead, about going into the river to drink, taking the shortest way home and ,at home, stomping his feet, because Landfrau was not fast enough to put him into his box.
This oldie is a scream! - love him! -
So, tonite its grill party at my daughters home, birthday of son in law - congratulations!
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