Now, friends, listen carefully, here are some rules and regulations - to survive in vicious Germany during the soccer championships:
1. Never ever lean on cars, cars are sacred in Germany!
2. Never wear a bathing suit ,should you visit a sauna, Germans are freaks for
3. Don't be friendly!
Yep, you have been reading correctly, us Germans dont like over- friendliness, makes
us suspicious, we will think you want something from us or that you are nuts.
4. Dont expect us to be wearing Lederhosen, nor Dirndl-dresses- SORRY
Is this enough, you still want to come? Well, Landfrau did not copy this out of a German book of rules, it has been published by a guy named Barry Tomalin, expert on German behaviour.
And, yes, you are warned of extreme scenes of nakedness in German TV, so, now you ARE intrigued, eh, now you are set to come!
Well, WELLCOME!!!!
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