Dienstag, Oktober 31, 2006

Na, dann...

October 31/06

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

And actually it's Reformationstag much more serious and valid now and forever!

Samstag, Oktober 28, 2006

Here they are again!

October 28/06 3:32 p.m.

Our screaming friends! - Every morning we hear them, when they fly over our roof towards the river. So today Landfrau ventured out with her camera. We are starting to have our usual weather for this time of the year, grey in grey, last week we had lunch outside in a Rhineside restaurant, blue skies, sunshine and over 20 degrees Celsius. Unbearable! I's so nice to have it back the way we are used to, this time of the year. (little joke, friends) . And next week the cold is supposed to come up. Anyway, it is still nice and warm for the World Ski Cup at downtown Düsseldorf , and that is no joke!

Sonntag, Oktober 22, 2006


October 22/06 4:00 p.m.

Fullfilling wish of faithful readers, here it is ...ANOTHER QUIZZ!

Let's see, if you have done your homework. Precise description of location of building,please!
And the winner gets, as always,free choice of picture postcard, personalized!
So, good luck!

Samstag, Oktober 21, 2006

My Month of Losses

October 21/06 7:53 p.m.

Stepped onto my $ 500 Chanel-sunglasses today, but really full power. Possessions are a burden. - My other loss I will not talk about, too personal and still painful. - It helps to be pragmatic. A little, anyway.


April 12/07 9:45 p.m.

What a day today! (must admit, not my brainstorm)

Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.

This is how it manifests:
I decide to water my garden.As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide my car needs washing.As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is mail on the patio table that I brought up from the mail box earlier.I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car. I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full.So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mail box when I take outthe garbage anyway, I may as well pay he bills first.I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only one check left.My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking.I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.I realize the Coke is getting warm , and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.As I head toward the kitchen with the coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need to be watered.I set the Coke down on the counter, and I discover my reading glassest hat I've been searching for all morning.I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV
Remote Control . Someone left it on the kitchen table.I realize that tonight when I go to watch TV , I will be looking for the
remote control , but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decideto put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water theflowers.I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on thefloor.So, I set the
Remote Control back down on the table, get some towels and wipeup the spill.Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.At the end of the day:the driveway is flooded the car isn't washed,the bills aren't paid,there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter,there is still only one check in my check book, I can't find the
remote control ,
I can't find my glasses, and I don't remember what I did with the carkeys.Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done today,I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really tired.I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail. Do me a favor, will you? Forward this message because I can't remember to whom it was sent.

Freitag, Oktober 20, 2006

Super "Sounds of Jazz"

October 20/06 8:33 p.m.

...and very uncomfortable chairs for oldies! O.K. considering, the church, where the concert took place in a kind of side wing, 3 stories up (you would have never guessed, beeing in a church ), is an old lady of 150 years, you could not expect streamline comfort. But the concert has been worth it, first time in my life, that I heard a didgeridoo in a jazz concert. But - boy, those old guys really kept going, it has been a show. Wolf Doldinger, incidentely, is a friend of my brother in law, so of. cse. we got to talking, but that's not the issue.We met my sister in law at the concert, and afterwards had a nice glass of wine in a bistro across from the church together. Later on we found out, that our two cars were the only ones left in a garage,housing normally about several hundred cars. SPOOKY!! - So much for the "world capital" Düsseldorf.

Well, venturing out, is worth it once a while (not only to "stuff" yourselves).

Donnerstag, Oktober 19, 2006

Now,is'nt it great?

October 19/06 5:25 p.m.

Women know your limits

A hit among all my friends - and - this cute woman is visiting a jazz concert tonite! Hope not to mix up my brains, cheerio!

Mittwoch, Oktober 11, 2006

Here are the missing Goodies!

The panoramic view needs no explanation,or? - Then you have the "Blaue Wunder"(the blue miracle) and a view from the river Elbe upon one of the castles,the "Schloss Albrechtsberg".

Missing out on Putin

October 11/06 8:56 p.m.

No joke, you have been reading right, Putin had been staying at our hotel in Dresden! Only, the day he arrived, we had to leave in the morning. And I am not so sure, that I would have been so keen on seeing that man, in the opinion of many people responsible for the murder of that brave journalist Anna Politkowskaja. - But this post is not supposed to be about politics, but a great time spent in Dresden. The pictures just give you a glimpse about the beauty of this city and its adjoining countryside. Fortunately our hotel was right at the side of the castle (not quite finished yet) and all the other important sights to see. We had a concert the first night in the world famous "Frauenkirche", an organ concert - Bach - terrific sound of that organ, but, to be honest, without the wish to visit that church, which would have meant a lineup for hours, Bach would not have been my choice,neither that of about two thirds of the audience,my guess. Must admit, that I'm not such a great fan of this type of serious classical music.Or, profanely, no vibes! -
Since we had to take a very early flight the day of our arrival (which we almost missed, the taxi central office forgot us,let us stand in the dark in front of our home, imagine!) our room had not been ready, so we had breakfast in a neighbourhood bistro, very nice, sitting outside, with a view upon the Frauenkirche and the huzz and buzz of the people milling around. Next to us on the right, two American girls were sitting and on our left table,two Russian guys were having a beer. Would you have imagined something like that 20 years ago? you bet not.
The next day we had the address of a very friendly and educated taxi driver (thanks, brother M!) who took us on a tour around the city and into the countryside, Sächsische Schweiz,(freeclimbers paradise -our taxidriver did it) several castles and Festung Königsstein. We crossed the "Blaue Wunder" (blue miracle) the bridge,which had been painted green and then out of some chemical reason turned into the colour of blue. All in all we had been on the road for about 8 hours,but it really had been worth it.
Last day we ventured into taking the tram to the famous milkshop - I just love to go by tram in strange cities! - always a little adventure! The place had been packed with people, every tourist bus, serving Dresden, stops there and all the people, including us, drink buttermilk! - After that, my travel companion was deflated (like a balloon), so he spent the rest of the day spying out of the window (we were lucky, first floor windows right above the entrance), and Landfrau rushed off for some more culture,i.e. a marvellous exhibition of paintings (from Monet to Mondrian) , all pieces out of former privat collections of rich Dresden citizens - beginning 20th century. There were hardly any people visiting the museum, probably all lining up for the Frauenkirche.
At night it was our Galadinner,which I will try to copy in,to make you envious, of course!
Next day pleasant flight back home and pick-up by daughter No.2 and grandson, nice!

Blogger is a bugger, wont take any more stuff to copy in, so I will add a 2nd. one, just with the missing pics and the menue.

Donnerstag, Oktober 05, 2006

There They Are!

October 05/06 8:56 p.m.

Gee, there they are, our messengers of cold days to come, St. Martin's day, Nikolaus day and finally Christmas are looming in the air. The leaves will start to turn, my painter's eye just relishes those colours of autumn, a little glimpse gives the picture of the sunset,taken around the corner by the man of my life. Fall I just love, I love the smell of wooden fires in the air, the fog in the morning and the sun breaking through. And the river seems to be steaming. But - for today I love the upcoming trip to Dresden,I am all excited. And tomorrow a good friend from Berlin is coming to join us for lunch,and my bag is almost packed, a task I just hate! Well, as we Germans say: NO PRIZE WITHOUT SWEAT! - Till next week, folks....

Dienstag, Oktober 03, 2006


October 03/06 7:15 p.m.

Spiegel- online Oct.3./06
Bush wanted Americans to focus on how dangerous Saddam Hussein was, and not on the obvious consequences of starting a war in the Middle East. Now, he wants voters to focus on how dangerous the world is, and not on his utter lack of ideas for what to do about it.

No comment needed.