October 20/06 8:33 p.m.
...and very uncomfortable chairs for oldies! O.K. considering, the church, where the concert took place in a kind of side wing, 3 stories up (you would have never guessed, beeing in a church ), is an old lady of 150 years, you could not expect streamline comfort. But the concert has been worth it, first time in my life, that I heard a didgeridoo in a jazz concert. But - boy, those old guys really kept going, it has been a show. Wolf Doldinger, incidentely, is a friend of my brother in law, so of. cse. we got to talking, but that's not the issue.We met my sister in law at the concert, and afterwards had a nice glass of wine in a bistro across from the church together. Later on we found out, that our two cars were the only ones left in a garage,housing normally about several hundred cars. SPOOKY!! - So much for the "world capital" Düsseldorf.
Well, venturing out, is worth it once a while (not only to "stuff" yourselves).
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