October 11/06 8:56 p.m.
No joke, you have been reading right, Putin had been staying at our hotel in Dresden! Only, the day he arrived, we had to leave in the morning. And I am not so sure, that I would have been so keen on seeing that man, in the opinion of many people responsible for the murder of that brave journalist Anna Politkowskaja. - But this post is not supposed to be about politics, but a great time spent in Dresden. The pictures just give you a glimpse about the beauty of this city and its adjoining countryside. Fortunately our hotel was right at the side of the castle (not quite finished yet) and all the other important sights to see. We had a concert the first night in the world famous "Frauenkirche", an organ concert - Bach - terrific sound of that organ, but, to be honest, without the wish to visit that church, which would have meant a lineup for hours, Bach would not have been my choice,neither that of about two thirds of the audience,my guess. Must admit, that I'm not such a great fan of this type of serious classical music.Or, profanely, no vibes! -
Since we had to take a very early flight the day of our arrival (which we almost missed, the taxi central office forgot us,let us stand in the dark in front of our home, imagine!) our room had not been ready, so we had breakfast in a neighbourhood bistro, very nice, sitting outside, with a view upon the Frauenkirche and the huzz and buzz of the people milling around. Next to us on the right, two American girls were sitting and on our left table,two Russian guys were having a beer. Would you have imagined something like that 20 years ago? you bet not.
The next day we had the address of a very friendly and educated taxi driver (thanks, brother M!) who took us on a tour around the city and into the countryside, Sächsische Schweiz,(freeclimbers paradise -our taxidriver did it) several castles and Festung Königsstein. We crossed the "Blaue Wunder" (blue miracle) the bridge,which had been painted green and then out of some chemical reason turned into the colour of blue. All in all we had been on the road for about 8 hours,but it really had been worth it.
Last day we ventured into taking the tram to the famous milkshop - I just love to go by tram in strange cities! - always a little adventure! The place had been packed with people, every tourist bus, serving Dresden, stops there and all the people, including us, drink buttermilk! - After that, my travel companion was deflated (like a balloon), so he spent the rest of the day spying out of the window (we were lucky, first floor windows right above the entrance), and Landfrau rushed off for some more culture,i.e. a marvellous exhibition of paintings (from Monet to Mondrian) , all pieces out of former privat collections of rich Dresden citizens - beginning 20th century. There were hardly any people visiting the museum, probably all lining up for the Frauenkirche.
At night it was our Galadinner,which I will try to copy in,to make you envious, of course!
Next day pleasant flight back home and pick-up by daughter No.2 and grandson, nice!
Blogger is a bugger, wont take any more stuff to copy in, so I will add a 2nd. one, just with the missing pics and the menue.
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