April 9/07 The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein
We really have been spoiled, great weather and good food. Had been for brunch at Daughter No.2's home, at my brother's place for coffee on Saturday and the rest of the time just taking it easy, which also included some biking with" Herr Hund", somehow must at least have the feeling to be getting rid of (too much ) good food, chocolate easter eggs, and Landfraus' favourite, the cholesterin bombs - hard boiled eggs. Scale will tell (but only tomorrow). We are so favoured, to have our own gardens with lots of sunshine, to venture out along the riverside is a pain in the neck on weekends and holiday weekends above all. People are milling around like lemmings, only they do not jump into the river, they accumulate.
So,now in for some more cheesecake (homemade) and tonite I will bed my bad concience and dig out my good intentions (loose weight,loose weight) tomorrow.
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