April 23/07 The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein
That's our first trip of several. Are you anxious to hear about my Bob Dylan concert? Well...let's say: it has been an experience. First of all we had the tough luck to be stuck in a terrific traffic jam,caused by Kroatiens, arriving per busloads from all over Europe to watch a basket ball game in an indoor arena next to the "Jahrhunderthalle" where Bob Dylan had his performance. So we had been too late to have a bit of a chance to get in any way close to the stage. And coming into the theatre, I thought I had gone blind on top of that, pitch dark the whole place, you could only feel your way around and on the stage (invisible to only 1,64 m small Landfrau anyway) like the black theatre in Prague - only black dressed guys with black hats, well, the one with the white one was Bob Dylan, and he had been favoured with a little bit of spotlight. But..as we had been told by an expert, we were there for the music,otherwise we could have gone to the movies. Son in law finally spotted a kind of a beam at the side of the emergency exits, a little more room was there and after I had kind of catapulted myself up on that beam ,on which people were dwelling like chickens in a pen, I finally caught a glimpse of the stage. O.k., like we were told, we were there to hear,not to see. And the music has been great,no doubt, that old guy Zimmerman really kept going and he even played two of my favoureds. Aside from that I had lots of fun, one young woman asking me to hold on to her beer while trying to jump up onto the beam and going right away down backwards with a summersault. Good I held the beer! Had my laughing fit after it turned out,that she had not hurt herself. And then there was that awfully fat medic, passing by in intervals with a strecher and coming back with a person tied to it. Don't know,where he collected them. Time went in a jiffy, we decided to leave before the encore,to have the chance for a cab. Wise choice!
Sunday morning we had a great breakfast in the little garden at my daughter's and son in law's place, the weather had been pure sunshine. Later on we drove to Hungen (near Giessen) to visit with our granddaughter,the little happy mother to be, and her living companion. Had to have a look at their cute place, which is not quite finished yet,but very representable even with the missing last touches. We stayed at a little country inn we always favour, when we are in this region and had dinner together at an old cloister mill ,where our "big" grandson joined us. The oldies had fun with the young crowd !
This morning we left for home with a car with out-of order airbags, shuck Mercedes! So we had to run it to the repair shop, hopefully to have it function again for our next- week trip to Luxembourg.
Till then,there is lots to do!
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