April 3/06 8:49 a.m.
Woke up this morning and felt like bunny No. one, oh yes, the free translation:
Bunny one: My ass hurts
Bunny two: Cant hear!
And who is bunny No. 2? Landfrau giggles m e a n !
Give you a hint: it`s not the dog.
First "guesser" gets an intact chocolate bunny,with ass and ears!
Well, if nothing hurts in the morning, you are dead (in my age group,so dont worry,joungsters,you are still alive).
A nice day to all my fans!
3 Kommentare:
For daughter Gisa from Landfrau was this an easy question: The rabbits name without ears starts with an F..., the rest to be continued is ...reddy. I´m sure to be right!!!!
I´m looking forward to the first price I hopefully get.
Happy easter.
Gisa Weingarzt
You will get the chocolate bunny, even if your name is Weingartz ? Or?
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