April 6/06 6:18 p.m.
Why, for heaven`s sake,does Landfrau`s horse come across with "ailments",no one has ever heard of? I am not explaining now in any way,what has happened,just so much: it has been a Penis-thing (yes, geldings have penisses too), I am still kind of shaking my head and my song of the day is that great Willie Nelson song- Mama, dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys - and speaking of cowboys, country music freaks among you will get a great link and the story to go with it, in one of my next posts! So, keep looking. - Pic of the day shows Landfrau contemplating her backyard, kind`o sorry sight up to now. But wait, till I get going, gardening-wise! - For that probably postpoorer (nice word, I just created,eh?) time, here a link to a NEWBORN post of a friend of mine (sorry, for Germans only) : http://dizzydizzy.kulando.de , then you wont miss me so much (verry pretentious, that Landfrau!), when I laze around in my favoured corner of the house after work,work ,work.
p.s. favoured corner shown above!
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