April 16/06 3:56 p.m.
...yeah,yeah,yeah, Red Bull verleiht Flügel! Sorry, friends, no cute little story about an easter egg hunt,neither a reflection about the lousy weather, no familiy memories! - Today is the day of my car! My pet is allowed to sit in the garage, because its small, the "big one" blocking the driveway in front. Now about every day Landfrau whines,beggs, screams because she cant get out. But my little car and myself have found the solution: RED BULL!!, yes, since I have my own private gasoline station, my car has wings and we zoom right over the big one! Great? -
So, and dont eat too much chocolate bunnies,will make you fat and too many easter eggs will cause a cholesterin shock!
2 Kommentare:
Its just not true.The big one moves immediately when the little one wants to get out.
Na,da lacht aber sogar der Osterhase!
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