April 9/06 3:54 p.m.
I tremendously admire people who can sing, and the ones,who can play one or several instruments to boot seem out of this world to me. I can sing every song in my head, but what comes out of my mouth could empty arenas. Well, my parents had the brilliant idea,when I was about 8 to 9 years old to "gift" me with an accordeon. I got privat lessons too! Had to walk and drag that heavy thing once a week to the place of the teacher, ( half an hours walk!) while I rather would have climbed trees or gotten into other mischief. Well, that guy wasnt so bad, he put me in front of the music sheet and went to smooch with a piano pupil in the next room, I must have been his alibi pupil. Unfortunately I told my mother and from then on it was an elderly lady,and group instruction, I have not been the pet pupil,you can imagine. My Waterloo came at the X-mas performance,me ,of cse. far from having a solo, but in the group presentation. After a few chords I lost somehow the connection to the other players, but was far to embarassed to stop playing and kept pushing the chords pulling the thing open and closed, stupid me,instead of just pusing the air button. That has been the end of my musical carreer! - Which leads me to my promise about the story and the website of that brilliant coutry music girl from Texas,who now lives in Düsseldorf,(has followed the call of love, so it says) and she also is a stewardess with LTU. Go and visit her website, its great and dont fortget to play the music machine in the saloon! Its a website,you really can have fun with, and its in english too! www.missbehavin.de
P.S. for above...click the pic! -or article,right in, twice,then it will get big.
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