Sonntag, November 26, 2006


November 26/06 1:46 p.m.

Must have been an uninteresting week, no entries, seems my life boils down to home chores,the necessity of shopping and long dog walks. Oh,yes, the pine tree is down, ugh, for me "gewöhnungsbedürftig", which means that I have get used to it. No other choice anyway. We keeled over backweards,when we got the invoice from our gardener, there is still a fir-tree left, which everyone keeps predicting,that it will be blown down by the next storm,unprotected as it is now without the pine. Well, this job will have to go to the wind, then insurance will have to pay and we do not fill the pockets of robber-gardener.
- "Had to" get up at 8:00 a.m. this morning, breakfast visitors,brother - in-law (Paris) with wife and sister-in-law, dog and me only had a short run,managed to have everything ready at 10:00 a.m.,diligent little Landfrau! , but now they have left and I am thinking about, what to do with the remaining Sunday,paint for the change again for a bit (bought some new canvas last week) hang around the compi (should not!!),read my very good book, over which I fall asleep in bed every night, or stick my i-pod into my ears and run with the dog,which I think I will end up with, weather is turning nasty again, love nasty weather.

And folks, remember X-MAS IS A'COMING!!! (28 days left!)

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