Sonntag, Juni 24, 2007

Where is the Salt?

June 24/07 7:30 p.m.

HOUSEWIVES! Here is one for you.

Dinner finished, dishwasher stacked, kitchen tidied up, want to watch a special TV show, everything finished just in time,uff, all Landfrau has to do is switch on the machine, and there blinks the sign: REFILL SALT! Now ,first of all,the sign never blinks if one has ample time,no,by no means! and then the hunt starts. Kitchen is small, so salt has to be stacked somewhere else. Only remember,where I have not stored it, in the washroom with the detergents. Got wet. Wrecking brain, big cabinet in hallway?no, under the staircaise to the basement? no, in the (somewhat messy) basement room? BINGO! - But then, hunt continues,refiller gadget?? Wow, under the sink,where it should have been,only has been hiding in a corner,the little devil.
By then, show I wanted to watch,is half over and now it dimms on me, why housewifes are sometimes a little bit behind in knowledge,they miss the starts fooling around looking for things, and then they give up on doing what they really wanted to do.

Otherwise sunday has been uneventful.

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