Dienstag, Februar 06, 2007

Carpe Diem

February 06/07 The Weather Pixie: Niederrhein

Landfrau must use the nice weather, worked my little (gloved) fingers off, to get the front garden spick and span. We BOUGHT a new tree,a change to taking them down and having them blown away.Well ,actually it's a kind of a shrub, pine, very attractive, and the gardener will plant it ,hopefully, Saturday. Till then it sits in the nursery with our name tag! -
Yes, our garden really looked a mess,after the storm and the tree actions, would have been shamefaced to let a strange gardener in. He might have decided we are not worth such a nice new tree-shrub. Of course it will have to pose for me and my camera!
And it is not for friend dog to pee on!!

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