Dienstag, Dezember 05, 2006

Grandson,Antlers and X-mas-Cookies!

December 05 /06 9:10 p.m.

Last weekend our grandson showed up with an antler headdress, complete with jingle bells,looked like Rudolf, the rednosed reindeer, the red nose missing ,though. Told him that there still was a tag attached to the device,and got the reply, that it did not belong to him. When I asked, whom it belonged to, he said,its yours and you have to wear it next time walking the dog. I will come along with the camera and then I will take shots - no not of grandma wearing antlers,- but of the stupid faces of the people looking at me, so he said. - Great kid?
To please him , I baked some X-mas cookies,tried a first time in my life a readymade dough (had my doubts though,when I tasted a piece), well , they looked great when they came out of the oven, but the smell and the taste,completely horror-ugh. Even the dog, who is "human food- crazy",refused them. So the goodlooking patch landed in the garbage can and the belief of my grandson in my cookies is destroyed. Up to then he had claimed,that mine tasted so much better than his mom's. - But today I baked the real McKoy, after my Mom's recipe,very time consuming and difficult task, but worth it.

So, folks and fans, have a nice Nicolaus Day tomorrow, don't let the Krampusse get you!

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