Montag, Februar 23, 2009

Made my day

February 23/09.....12:41 p.m.

Just came in from my walk with Herr Hund, have to take this down before it slips my mind: Landfrau met neighbour with grandson( 5) outside. So we chatted for a bit. Suddenly grandson,who kind of acted already annoyed because I kept grandpa from walking on, said to me: in former times you looked younger. I asked him a little flabbergasted in which way - his reply: you had less wrinkles.
Fits perfectly in with my usual flippant remark around Karneval-season: - you should stop celebrating,when you look worse after taking off your witch mask. -
I am still giggling!

Samstag, Februar 21, 2009

Can not win

Landfrau and Mom

Talking about that winter, which really this season has managed to please and annoy us. But if you ask me, around here it is kickin' up the heels in a feeble way. During my today's walk with Herr Hund I noticed light dashes of green on so far dark brown twigs and branches. Also the snowdrops start to show, must have helped that Landfrau bought that wine with the name of perce neige, which by the way tastes delicious. Opened the first bottle tonite with our salmon dinner ,might have to go for an addional supply pretty soon. Otherwise have been busy again with the fabolous X-mas gift from my grandson, the book where I figuratively dish out my life from birth. The pre-given questions are a hairraiser, most of them, so I found a way to pepp up the oevre with some ideas of my own, which meant also digging into old photobooks. Ran across some pictures of my mother in her days, when I had been a toddler. My, has she been attractive! She died at a , for today, early age of 76, Alzheimer, and strange enough in the end of her sickness days, her beauty kind of reappeared, there were no marks of sorrow and age anymore in her face.

But with the book I see light at the end of the tunnel, so to say ,and for finishing it a few more drab winter days are not so bad. You see, there are two sides to everything.

It's the Time of Year!

February 21/09 8:44 p.m.

Can not skip that, too cute!

Donnerstag, Februar 19, 2009

Mittwoch, Februar 18, 2009


February 18/09....6:50 p.m.

Honestly, must be springfever,which pushes me into snap decisions to jump into my car and drive downtown and on top of that must have been a catalogue in the mail by a downtown clothing store. And Landfrau knows beforehand that she will never fit into those barbiedoll-sized garments, but knowing is not believing and my Waterloo comes latest when I am in one of those overlit cabins, already sweaty from undressing, hair, which is too long right now anyway (hated hairdresser appointment coming up) pointing in every direction trying to squeeze into pieces which outside of the cabin looked by far big enough. As I said: Waterloo... Grinding my teeth I then roll up to the next level, where the "fat" ladies shop and there I am usually lucky. Today I picked one of the good days where there had been an adequate choice and once I discover that I fit into a chosen piece I go haywire and buy the same one in different editions,might not be available anymore at some other time. Today's captured goods: 1 pair jeans dark blue, same ones light blue, long sleeved T-shirt white, long sleeved T-shirt yellow, same one mint and a short sleeved polo shirt yellow. Saleslady treated me like roalty and admired my cap. In former times I have been admired for my looks! - Well, you can't have everything.

Dienstag, Februar 17, 2009

Once again......

February 17/09......6:02 p.m.

....a quiz, just love them, but do you think seriously I would publish it here if it was bad?


You Are Fearless

You have great dreams and unrelenting ambition. You go for what you want, and it's hard to deter you.

You are incredibly competent and intelligent. You've had a very high success rate in your life.

You tend to dominate people. You have a very strong personality, and others tend to heed to your demands.

You're confident enough to be considered arrogant. You tend to think of other people in terms of what they can do for you.

Samstag, Februar 14, 2009

Mittwoch, Februar 11, 2009

Winetasting Galore!

February 11/09 ...8:38 p.m.

A few days ago a flyer from our favourite wine shop came by mail. Among others they were praising a French wine namened Perce-Neige, which in German is "Schneeglöckchen " (snowdrops). Now, mind you, with our not so supra weather around this time of the year I had been so intrigued by that name, I had to have that wine, simply had to have it. I could taste it in my mouth, even never having tasted it. So yesterday afternoon in a slushy snowstorm Landfrau drove to the wine store. Thought I might be the only customer, since the shop is located off road in a leftover building of an old monastry. Totally wrong, shop had been filled with quite some people about my age. Seems we are the age group comforted by buying wine in drab weather times. The store also offers other goodies, like jams, olive, oil, pasta sauces etc. So I took my time looking around ,eavesdropping on two ladies, who could not make up their minds if buying the cheaper wine,which one of them claimed, was more to her liking, or the more expensive one. I really had to giggle, whom did they want to impress? The sales clerk, by choosing the expensive one? Really, some people. Then Ihad a taste of "Schneeglöckchen" and another brand, but snowdrops it was, it turned out excactly they way I had expected. Got a lesson on top from another customer,who told me that tasting wine has to be noisy, you have to slurp, and I told him that I know that you never say that a wine is lecker, now that's a sacrileg, wine is fruity, round ,full, heavy, but never lecker ( yummy), and then I said that this wine was very "lecker" and him and the sales clerk laughed their heads off. - So you see, even at an ugly,rainy day you can make friends with the help of wine.

Montag, Februar 09, 2009

A Beautiful Song

February 9/09 7:09 p.m.
.....and a beautiful singer. -
Take the time and listen, it's like the caress of a breeze.

Sonntag, Februar 08, 2009

Yes, I am

February 8/09........ 3:14 p.m.

....writing a post. That's what I promised myself today, have to stop waisting all my resources on twitter, even if I have nothing to say - so to say. Now, seriously, twitter is insofar intriguing as you are sitting there reading all the stuff other brains, who also have nothing to say, evaporate. Some things might be amusing, but serious information you only get from the news tweets. Sigh, to make a long story short, shit- I am hooked. Still, there are days, like today, I slap more or less successfully my fingers to stay away. -
And now down to serious business, my life. Not such a hype right now, but I am getting modest, happy if I am spared catastrophies of which we have had plenty last year. Last week Landfrau had been Herr Husband's driver, he had a dentist appointment to have quite some teeth removed. The problem is, that he starts gagging, as soon as he looks at his "new" teeth, sitting there grinning at him. Either he gets the hang of putting them in or it will be toothless time till he can be fitted for some implants, but that takes time - talking from experience. At least my implants were necessary way back in my mouth, so I could still grin at people with missing teeth. Herr Husband can not, at least I told him he better not. He is considering joining the crew of homeless people selling their special paper downtown, he would fit in mouthappearance wise. Gosh, it is easy to be sarcastic if one is not affected. Well, in a way I am so too, have to think of cooking soft, chewable food for the time beeing. That nice, juicy steak is out at the moment.
Isn't it great, when missing teeth are the momentarily highlite of life?

Dienstag, Februar 03, 2009

Model -Me

February 3/09 9:45

Had to drive "downtown" yesterday, Landfrau had a meeting with an old friend, he is a producer of radio plays -section criminal stories. We met at a very picturesque - and for the old part of town unique Bistro cafe. He lives in Berlin but knew the place, unknown to me, shame on Landfrau. Story is, that he has produced a play and for the cover image of the CD he wanted me as a model. I represent one of the main characters, of course I can not talk about the plot here. But friends so much - beware of me, I am a villain! -
Asked my friend if he could not find an adequate person in Berlin but he thought that I would be just the fitting character, whatever that tells us. I shall get a copy in due time, let's wait an see.