Montag, April 24, 2006

Not crying for Anna from Ghana

April 24/06 7:30 p.m.

Anna came to us by accident, Landfrau's bike accident. With one hand in a cast I needed help and so Anna from Ghana - - entered our life. First Landfrau felt like Scarlett O'Hara,with friendly,eager Anna, almost as wide as high,around, but there definitely had been something wrong, after a while Anna turned into Scarlett O'Hara! - Started with the pick up at the tram station in the morning, where Anna sulked when she was not picked up with the "big" car, resenting Landfrau's little one. Then we got the strict order not to forget to get the fresh rolls for her breakfast. After arriving in the house, she played with the dog for about 20 minutes, and then said : Mama (thats what she mostly called me) ,I have to start wök, now! What did she expect, that I told her" now you rest, I will do it? " - Bending down for cleaning, she would not and cleaning corners she resented bitterly. Knocking over a very expensive lamp, almost smashing the glass table, it was our fault, we had asked her to clean corners,and space was too narrow for her behind to fit. And of course there had to be that very extensive breakfast with ham and cheese and tea, coffee she disliked.The basement cleaning was always done in about 10 minutes, there she could be very fast, because she had to catch her tram, us chauffeuring her to the station, you bet. - But she could sing! For Thanksgiving she invited us to her church,big donation was appreciated of course,and there we were placed right next to Jesus at the altar,as guests of honor, very embarassing, since the man of Landfrau's life had been the only one without tie, the whole Ghana connection wearing black suits and white shirts, and flashing pounds of gold. But we really got a kick out of Anna in her chorous gown,jumping about,shouting and singing "Hallelujah" and "Lord Jesus,"that really had something,honestly! -
Later on I finally took the courage, to end our relationship,and now every monday I pretend to be Bette Midler who claimed that she just loves housecleaning, cant get enough of it, keeps her young and happy! -I will try to hire her,till then, ugh, SELBST IST DIE LANDFRAU

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