Dienstag, Januar 30, 2007


January 30/07 4:31 p.m.

You hear them all over our little village, the chain saws,cutting down trees in danger to fall,cutting fallen trees and trees into pieces for firewood. We have been lucky, that our daughter took most of our wood, would have been a shame to leave it for robber gardener,who would have charged us on top to get rid of it. There is also quite some wood lying around at the riverbanks, the next flooding might take care of that,although we might be lucky this year, not so much snow in the mountains and therefore not so much water from melting. It has turned quite warm again for this time of the year, above zero (C°) ,but grey skies, no sunshine. That has to come from the heart, which is not always so easy.
Dog and me had been taking a walk to the ferry landing this morning, the ferry is not running, yearly maintanance,so it had been peaceful and quiet and we could enjoy our view. Pic is promised for one of those days,when the sun decides to peek out! -

And now I will havwe to venture out again, dog is pestering me and right he is,otherwise we will walk by the moonriver (always again a terrific song, and such a sweet voice!).

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