Freitag, Januar 26, 2007


January 26/07 9:33 p.m. the computer system, musicload worked fine for downloading(paid for - mind you) music,suddenly - zilch - . Talked to two hotlines, brother, I love that, and got an e-mail full of instructions I'm lost at. All I managed is to deinstall ourMedia Player, latest version,and then I had none.Took me quite a while to figure out how to re-install,uff!!! -Well, what the heck, it's a machine after all, might scream for help tomorrow ,our neighbour is good with computers. - Weatherwise we got some snowflakes, imagine, but by now the stuff has turned into rain. We might have icy roads tomorrow,but we don't have to venture out far. And...
getting used to "naked gardens". There had been a loss of 28 Million trees by the storm in Germany ,don't think they counted ours.

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Kenne auch all' die Fragen und Unsicherheiten bezüglich PC. Vorige Woche hat ein Spezialist erst mal dort richtig "aufgeräumt". Man lernt dabei immer viel Neues.

Gruß - Silvia

Land-Frau hat gesagt…

Ist immer gut mit dem netten Nachbarn,wenn der "paid for" Experte die arme Landfrau versetzt.